The experience at La Estación Garden is incredible, children will learn to develop their awareness and love for the planet as we will teach them how to grow the food they eat in their daily lives, we will teach them the process and how they can make a garden with their own hands, they will also discover which foods have their own seeds and the importance of consuming natural, organic food that we can easily produce at home.
- Price : $30.000
- Duration : 30 min
Book here
Carpentry Station
Wood throughout history has been a very important material in the toys of millions of children, it is the preferred material for playful toys and in Vamos Kids could not miss this
Slime Station
A whole world to discover is this station children will experience what happens when we mix certain elements, how things can change texture, color and even their state when they are mixed.
Cupcakes Station
We know how exciting it is for a child to participate in activities in the kitchen so we wanted to make a sweet experience as well and offer our little guests the